![]() Music. . .to Touch Your Spirit
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Don and Vanessa believe that they can provide their
best ministry to others by keeping their life priorities in order. This is an age where
family has taken a back seat to most everything else and the resultant decay of American
culture has been the obvious result. Work is not an obsession, but rather a means of
diligently supporting the family and providing a service to society. It is upon this
foundation of which God is the head, the family is home for the heart and work is the
means of participating in society in a responsible manner that Wigtune Company has been
built. This is a strong pillar.
Indeed, Don and Vanessa's efforts at providing their children with a strong family life upon a godly base has paid off. After graduating as an honor student while participating on the Centennial High School band, choir, volleyball and softball teams, (where she has avidly lead these sport organizations in prayer before each game) Jacqulene went on to become a model student and NCAA volleyball player at Humboldt State University. During that time, while serving as vice-president of SAAC, she led a Bible study through her church fellowship that revolutionized the Athletic Department. Jacqulene is now actively serving in the youth ministry at church and a DJ at the Christian radio station KLIFE while raising her little baby Gabriel in the ways of the Lord. While on a European missions trip. she met her godly Husband, David in Switzerland where she spends half her time. Brandon graduated as an honor student at Centennial, served in the band and choir while rising up as a team leader on the football and baseball teams. During his high school years Brandon went to the state championships for history day as a result of his WEB page "One Small Step" Like Jacqulene Brandon went to Humboldt State where he led the defense of the NCAA football team, served as president of SAAC and graduated with honors. Brandon married a fine Christian woman, Kelly and is currently serving his country in the Navy, flying F18 Super Hornets. Brett studied civil engineering at Cal Poly Pomona. Currently he is one of the founders and the manager of the Christian-based charity organization Sevenly. Already he has gained the respect of many in his field and is currently serving in a church plant from Crossroads Church in Corona, CA.
All three kids are highly respected at home, in church and at work. They are not afraid to share their faith and have stood for Jesus many times in the world. This is the way it should be. True worship is a living endeavor wherein God is glorified in every aspect of life. Indeed, the true worshipper does not limit his experience in church. He worships God in all life and the results can be seen in a strong Christian testimony.
Don was born and raised in Long Beach, California. He plays piano and guitar, sings, composes and arranges music, and is a recording technician. His musical background began as a choirboy in junior high school. This endeavor continued until he graduated from California State College in Long Beach as a music major. Since that time, Don has involved himself in contemporary and traditional music in many venues.
After graduation, he vainly pursued a career for the sake of himself. Though his band, Clovis Putney, enjoyed mild success, including first place in the Hollywood Battle of the Bands, the fleeting recording contract proved to be a blessing in disguise.
During the second half of the 70s Don became involved with contemporary Christian music. He quit Clovis Putney to join the Christian music group, Jedediah, which was led by Alan Barrington. The band members also included Steven Swinford who went on to Hollywood to become a studio musician and music producer. Jedediah toured the Western United States and Canada. During this same time Don was a member of the Celebration Singers, directed by Don Norville who authored the published praise chorus, "Let Us Love One Another." The Celebration Singers regularly recorded at Martin Sound Studios and appeared on Television weekly.
It was while touring with the band Jedediah that
Don was introduced to the Solid Rock Foundation in Bakersfield, Ca. He became so enamoured
with the people of Bakersfield that he eventually moved there to become the music minister
at Calvary Chapel Bakersfield. During that period of time he produced a praise album
called "Let All Who Hath Breath Praise the Lord" that was distributed by
Maranatha! Records and enjoyed substantial airplay in the LA area.
During the mid 80s he came to be involved with
First Baptist Church of Bakersfield where he formed the singing group Selah. This vocal
ensemble that led singing during every Sunday morning church service included Virginia
Childres, Mitch Toelle and, eventually his wife Vannesa. With the help of their sound
engineer, Richard Enns, this group of musicians produced the album "Stop and Think
About It." This CD received weekly airplay on Christian radio. Since the group broke
up, both Don and Vanessa have been ministering in song in various venues, singing
scriptural-based original praise songs, contemporary choruses and traditional hymns.
recently they are ministering in praise at Canyon Hills Church in Bakersfield, CA with their band Southern Cross. This band has just
produced their first CD that goes by the same name.
Vanessa was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and raised in Bakersfield California. She sings and plays guitar. Her father was a music minister for the Southern Baptist Church. Therefore, Vanessa began her musical career at a very young age singing duets with her sister, and in various school choirs. She was virtually raised in First Baptist Church in Bakersfield, singing in the choir with her mom and sister. She also sang in a small ensemble called New Life Singers.
After graduating from High School, it was Vanessas intention to study art at California State College at Long Beach. However, her plans were changed when she was invited to sing in the band called "Sundae Afternoon." This band had a very successful road show as they played in dinner showrooms throughout the United States and Canada, Magic Mountain, Disneyland and Disney World.
After the band broke up to face the real world, Vanessa discontinued her singing career. But it was evident that the Lord had placed a calling on her life to sing His praises. When Don first heard her voice, as she auditioned for Selah, he was lifted up in complete rapture. The two have been singing together ever since.
Vanessa has also been involved
in marketing at the missions organization Empart. The ministry of Empart is currently witnessing a multitude of
salvations in Northern India and Nepal through it's church planting vision using nationals
spread out in villages throughout an area where very few have heard the gospel.
Today there looms a lively discussion regarding
the use of hymns vs praise choruses in the church. On one side of the discussion are those
who claim that traditional hymns represent the only music that should be used in
congregational singing. On the other side are those who demand that praise choruses are
the only way to go. Many churches are finding it necessary to incorporate contemporary
music in their church services in order to reach out to the younger generation. This has
brought about the appearance of guitars, basses and drums laying a beat for simple
choruses that are sung by a small band of singers. A development such as this has not
amused many of the older generation who were raised on hymn books, organs and choirs. The
resultant clash between generations was inevitable.
Pastors have attempted to resolve this problem in a variety of ways. Some have set aside a praise and worship time completely separate from hymn singing in the same service hoping to appease everyone. Others have separated their church bodies into different services. One service is generally designated the "traditional service" and is attended for the most part by the older generation. The other service is designated as the "contemporary service" for the younger generation.
Don and Vanessa Wigton spent many years at First Baptist Church in Bakersfield, Ca. as song leaders for the Sunday Morning Service serving under "Dr. John" Lavendar. First Baptist Church of Bakersfield was a large ninety-year-old congregation at that time that was attempting to incorporate contemporary music into a traditional Sunday morning service. During that time Don and Vanessa, along with their vocal group Selah, ministered there in music within the context of a successful blended Sunday morning service that utilized neither of the solutions just mentioned. In this service, praise choruses were sung alongside traditional hymns as declarations of praise in both mediums were expressed openly and freely by both the young and the old. The signing of hymns communicated the great doctrines of the Bible in a manner that gave meaning and substance to the song service. Passionate and doctrinally sound choruses were offered as spiritual songs. The result allowed the congregation to respond to the doctrines of God detailed in the hymns with enthusiasm and great emotion through praise chorus singing. It was discovered that as the congregation sang "psalms, hymns and spiritual songs" each musical style complimented the other in a manner that encouraged praise to God and edified the general congregation.
This ministry is now being offered to you!!! Wigtune Company and Winsome International have teamed up to present for free on the Internet the extraordinary music ministry that was offered up during those years along with the marvelous teachings of Pastor Dr. John. In all our years of ministry we have never heard such wonderful bible expository as that which we enjoyed for years under this wonderful pastor's teaching. Be sure to visit the Winsome International site for a blessed experience in God's Word as Dr. John shares his life's work.
You cannot please everyone all the time, and there will always be a traditionalist who will not bend and a young adult who insists he or she cannot "worship" with the hymns. However, once a proper biblical theology of worship has been established in a church, and the song service is directed towards sound worship practices, a bridge between generations can be built. As Jesus explained to the woman at the well (John 4:23-24), worship is not about the art but rather the heart. Worship is not something that is accomplished in a particular place or time through a particular style of music. Rather, worship is a life-long dedication to God in response to who He is and what He has done and is doing. Once a congregation has come to a realization of this fact, then worship becomes an every-day issue of devotion and sanctification that is not inhibited by a particular style of music, brand of musical instrument or ones surroundings. Worship becomes a daily living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1-2 ) This truth regarding worship transcends generational gaps. The understanding of it brings biblically-based Christians together in spite of their individual preferences.
With this in mind, Don and Vanessa have offered their
music and the results of two decades of biblical study for free to the body of Christ with
the intention of facilitating biblical worship in the body of Christ.
It is for this purpose that this WEB page has been established. Wigtune Company offers for
free biblically-based contemporary choruses and hymns
authored by Don that contain sound doctrinal content. In addition, traditional hymns sung
in a contemporary mode can be downloaded for free. It is hoped that these offerings will
add to the praise liturgy of congregations in a manner that encourages the use of both
musical mediums together in a manner that is mutually complimentary.
In order to train musicians and pastors as song leaders who can bring the church into the 21st century without leaving behind our glorious Christian heritage, "Living worship ", a free online worship Bible study, is available. It is written in a manner that presents the appropriate scriptures while allowing the student to respond. As the truths of Scripture regarding worship are clearly understood by leaders, they can be communicated to their congregations in a manner that brings about a better understanding of worship and a more successful blend of the old and the new.
Wigtune Corporation genuinely prays that you will benefit from these materials and that they will used to the Glory of God.
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Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.