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Wigtune Company is happy to announce that "Living Worship" is now available for FREE on the internet. This in-depth biblical and historical Bible study for pastors, music ministers, praise bands, Sunday schools or any small group helps the Christian understand the type of worshipper God seeks. Worship is the presentation of one's entire life to God. Therefore, as well as uncovering the biblical and historical precedence for church musical and sacramental worship, "Living Worship" calls upon all believers to present their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God. (Romans 12:1) A study of God's word cannot help but produce a body of Christians who shall worship God as they have never worshipped before!!! "Living Worship" is presented in outline form with questions that require thoughtful answers to the scriptures and historical information as presented. To use this study, you must be prepared for a lot of personal Bible time as you will be required to look up a number of bible verses in order to properly answer the questions. A good Bible teacher always directs his students to scripture. Therefore, "Living Worship" does not spoon-feed the participant, but rather requires the student to study the Bible him or herself in order to reach conclusions regarding the nature of biblical worship.
Look below for an outline of "Living Worship" interactive Bible study. |
Living Worship Contents Part One: Knowing God Part Two: Worshipping God For Who He is and What He's Done Part Three: Living Worship Part Four: Music in Corporate Worship | |
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Part Two: Worshipping God For Who He is and What He's Done
Part Four: Music in Corporate Worship
Knowing God
How is the knowledge of God attained?
There are a multitude of people of different persuasions today who claim to know God. Likewise, many others are accredited with knowing God. Followers flock around worship leaders of various faiths who draw them into many experiences that produce enlightenment and pull on every emotion. Audiences today are impressed with those leaders who purport to have "experienced" God in a supernatural way. Those who have experienced the supernatural are said to be the "spiritual ones" who truly know God. Yet many of these acclaimed leaders direct their followers into serious error.
In light of the current non-Christian religious deception that has infiltrated Western culture, Christian leadership today carries with it a lot of responsibility. Most people view their Church leaders as ones who know God and have the ability to impart this knowledge to others. Because of non-Christian dogmas, there is a lot of confusion today (even in Christian circles) regarding how God can be known. Thus all those who desire to enter into public Christian ministry are duty-bound to understand what the Bible says about how God is known.
Saving faith must be more than sincere. It must be right. It must proceed out of a correct view of God that is based upon knowledge of Him founded in truth rather than vain imagination.
Worshippers of the true and living God must worship Gods way. It must be done in spirit and truth. John 4:21
LESSON ONE: The Fall -- Sin in the Garden of Eden
LESSON TWO: Gods Provision for Sin
LESSON THREE: Rebellion at Babel Part 1
LESSON FOUR: Rebellion at Babel Part 2
LESSON FIVE: Rebellion at Babel Part 3
LESSON SIX: Rebellion at Babel Part 4
LESSON SEVEN: Sins resolution
LESSON EIGHT: Knowing God -- Initiated by God (Part 1)
LESSON NINE: Knowing God -- Initiated by God (Part 2)
LESSON TEN: Knowing God -- His creation
LESSON ELEVEN: The importance of gaining knowledge of God
LESSON TWELVE: Knowing God -- the guidance of the Holy Spirit
LESSON THIRTEEN: Knowing God -- His Holy Word
LESSON FOURTEEN: Knowing God -- Through the ministry of His people (the Church)
LESSON FIFTEEN: Knowing God - prayer
LESSON SIXTEEN Part One: Knowing God -- conclusion
LESSON SIXTEEN Part Two: Knowing God -- conclusion
Testimonials: What they are saying about Wigtune
Praise and Worship Resources
DOWNLOAD "LIVING WORSHIP" The god of the worlds false religious system is an undefined entity. One modern representation of this god is the force in Star Wars that lacks personality, attributes or moral preference. Like the pagan Yin and Yang, the force of Star Wars could be used for both good and evilAccording to pagan theology, man is at the center of his own universe. Because, to the pagan, God is all, then all men are gods themselves. Hence, God is made in mans image and God is defined according to the characteristics of man.
Worship to the pagan, therefore, is man centered and focused on an undefined and non-absolute god who, like a chameleon, changes according to the dictates of each worshipper. The worship liturgy of this group of worshippers, therefore, needs to be very generic and undefined in its portrayal of god so that each worshipper can adapt the text to his/her own view of God. Because pagan worship is centered on man, it focuses on mans needs rather than Gods nature. Because the foundation of truth to paganism is based upon what each individual "feels" is right (existentialism), pagan worship is founded on emotionalism.
The true and living God whom Christians worship has specific attributes and represents specific truths and moral principles that are external to man and unalterable. God also has a distinct personality and acts in specific ways based upon His nature.
According to the Bible, man has been fashioned in Gods image. Therefore, to understand man and where he stands in relation to eternity, one must know who God is. Rather than conforming God to his image, the Christian is shaped according to Gods will.
Since the Christian maintains a God-centered theology, worship is centered around God who has specific attributes and embodies absolute truth. Christian worship, therefore, is founded upon external absolutes determined by Gods nature rather than individual feelings and opinions. Hence the text of Christian praise, in order to distinguish itself from pagan ritual, must reflect the nature and works of God as defined according to how He has revealed Himself in His holy Word. Otherwise, too much about who God is and who is being worshipped will be left to individual imagination and personal beliefs.
Christian worship must call on worshippers to respond intelligently to the God of the Bible.
Romans 12:1-2
LESSON ONE: Worshipping God for who He is and what He has done
Descriptive Praise (Who God Is) Defining the God who we praise
LESSON THREE: God is Great and Glorious Lesson Four: God is the Creator of all things
LESSON FIVE: God is personal
LESSON SIX: God is True
LESSON SEVEN: God is Infinite and Eternal
LESSON NINE: God is Holy
LESSON TEN: God is Good
LESSON ELEVEN: God is Omniscient
LESSON TWELVE: God is Omnipresent
LESSON THIRTEEN: God is Omnipotent
LESSON FOURTEEN: God is Immutable
LESSON FIFTEEN: God is Sovereign
LESSON SEVENTEEN: God is Just/Righteous
LESSON EIGHTEEN: God is Merciful
Declarative Praise (What God Does)
LESSON NINETEEN: God created us in His image
LESSON TWENTY: God loves us
LESSON TWENTY-ONE: The Incarnation
LESSON TWENTY-TWO: God suffered and died to save us from the penalty of sin
LESSON TWENTY-THREE: Jesus rose from the dead
LESSON TWENTY-FIVE: God forgives us of our sin
LESSON TWENTY-SIX: God sustains us
LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN: There is none who can be compared with our great God!
DOWNLOAD "LIVING WORSHIP" Testimonials: What they are saying about
Wigtune Praise and Worship Resources
Testimonials: What they are saying about Wigtune Praise and
Worship Resources
DOWNLOAD "LIVING WORSHIP" Pagan religions view worship as an event. It is something that occurs in a specific time and in a specific place. Worship to the pagan generally involves the act of transcending to the supernatural world through an altered state of mind. The mind is altered through the use of drugs and mantras. Mantras involve the use of repeated words that help the worshipper to escape the world by turning off his/her mind. Jesus Himself offered up a rebuke in regards to the utilization of these meaningless repetitive phrases. (Matt 6:7) In addition the pagan attempts to reach God through self-abasement exercises meant to appease. (I Kings 18:28) Jesus rebuked this type of activity as well. (Matt 6:16) The self-abasement or mutilation principle has created the pagan "worship leader" such as the Hindu yoga who attempts to "disappear" so that he can become a channel to God. If the worshippers attention is drawn to a person, it is believed that worship is hindered. Therefore, the gifts and abilities of the individual are suppressed in order to insure that God can be contacted without human distraction. This is believed because worship to the pagan is an event centered around the act of finding God. When one is using worship to connect with God, then humanity could only be an unwanted distraction.Christian worship, on the other hand, emanates from a daily acknowledgment of the God who is there. People are not seen as obstacles to worship, but rather the vehicles of worship. God is glorified in the life of the believer and, as worshippers see His glory manifested through humanity, He is Glorified and worshipped all the more. Humanity and the gifts that God has given, are seen as attributes which inspire worship rather than being inhibitions. Christian worship is not an act of finding God, but rather a living response to the God who has revealed Himself in the creation, through His people and through His Holy Word. As Jesus explained to the woman at the well, Christian worship is not an event that occurs in a particular place and a specific time. Rather worship is a lifestyle accomplished in spirit and truth. (Jn 4:21-24). The Christian worshipper lives his entire life in an appropriate fashion before the ever-present God who is always near.
The following materials will uncover the nature of this lifestyle of worship as it is manifested in the believers life.
Those who worship the True and Living God
present their whole bodies before Him and an act of daily sacrifice.
Romans 12:1-2
LESSON ONE: The Definition of Worship Part 1
LESSON TWO: The Definition of Worship Part 2
LESSON THREE: Worshipping in Spirit and Truth
LESSON FOUR: The Worship of the Martyrs
LESSON FIVE: The Priesthood of the Believer Part 1
LESSON SIX: The Priesthood of the Believer Part 2
LESSON SEVEN: The Priesthood of the Believer Part 3
LESSON EIGHT: The Priesthood of the Believer Part 4
LESSON NINE: The Priesthood of the Believer Part 5
LESSON TEN: The Priesthood of the Believer Part 6
LESSON ELEVEN: Worshipping in the Tabernacle Part 1
LESSON TWELVE: Worshipping in the Tabernacle Part 2
LESSON THIRTEEN: Worshipping in the Tabernacle Part 3
LESSON FOURTEEN: Worshipping in the Tabernacle Part 4
LESSON FIFTEEN: Worshipping in the Tabernacle Part 5
LESSON SIXTEEN: Worshipping in the Tabernacle Part 6
LESSON SEVENTEEN: Worshipping in the Tabernacle Part 6
LESSON EIGHTTEEN: Worshipping in the Tabernacle Part 7
DOWNLOAD "LIVING WORSHIP" Testimonials: What they are
saying about Wigtune Praise and Worship Resources
Vision Statement
Wigtune Story
Free On-Line Worship Studybook
Listen to
Wigtune music on live Internet radio
Where's Wiggy? Links to Christian Organizations
DOWNLOAD "LIVING WORSHIP"There is a lively discussion today regarding the nature of music in the Church. People stand on each side of the fence proclaiming the truth of their position. On one side stand the traditionalists. They insist that the only music that the Church should be involved in are the hymns that have been passed down through the ages. They declare that the great doctrines of the Bible that are pronounced in these musical works are that which causes them to adore God all the more. On the other side of the controversy are the contemporary advocates who believe that only the praise choruses are adequate vehicles of worship inspiration. They insist that the hymns are too staunch, too wordy and too negligent of the personal element to be worshipful.
Music has been a source of argument for the Church since its foundation. Throughout Church history many musical trends have been followed. A look at these developments will provide a wealth of information in regards to the sources and value of the music that is being discussed among church attendees today. Hopefully within the following pages, the student of the Bible will uncover some answers to the questions that are being posed today. With that information, a suitable and biblical direction for church musical worship can be established.
Other than an investigation into musical styles that produce mantras, this study does not intend to advance one musical style over another. There will be no discussion promoting or discouraging the use of organ music, guitars or drums. The purpose of this study is to investigate the lyrical content and use of music in the Church in order to determine approaches that are theologically correct according to the understanding of Christian worship that has already been presented.
If the student is interested in promoting one style of music over another as that which is appropriate for church, he will be disappointed with this study. However, if he seeks for that which is biblical then many conflicts that exist today in the ever-continuing controversy involving music will be resolved.
LESSON ONE: Babylonian Music Part 1
LESSON TWO: Babylonian Music Part 2
LESSON THREE: Music of the Early Church
LESSON FOUR: The Creeds Part 1
LESSON FIVE: The Creeds Part 2
LESSON SIX: The Worship Forms (Prayers and Praises) of the New Testament Church
LESSON SEVEN: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
LESSON EIGHT: Worship Forms of the Medieval Church Part 1
LESSON NINE: Worship Forms of the Medieval Church Part 2
LESSON TEN: Worship Forms of the Medieval Church Part 3
LESSON ELEVEN: Worship forms of the Reformation
LESSON TWELVE: Reformation English Hymn Singing
LESSON THIRTEEN: The Romantic period
LESSON FOURTEEN: The Rise of Theological Humanism
LESSON FIFTEEN: The Late-Nineteenth Apostasy
LESSON SIXTEEN: The nineteenth century evangelicals
LESSON EIGHTEEN: The Sixties Revolution
LESSON NINETEEN: The Counter Culture Church
LESSON TWENTY: Exercises in praise
Vision Statement
Wigtune Story
Free On-Line Worship Studybook
Testimonials: What they are saying about Wigtune Praise and
Worship Resources
Where's Wiggy? Links to Christian Organizations
Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.